Saturday, January 15, 2011

Coy Mistress

We were visiting an IKEA store at the US when I chanced upon this picture and it stayed with me…. 2 years later and I’ve finally got her out on canvas! (I shan't tell you how my output got so close to the original even after 2 whole years.)!!

She is truly one of my favourite works (I know an artist always feels that their immediate work is better than the previous one); but this one’s different… there is something quite beckoning in her. (Don’t you feel it?) . It’s almost like she’s luring you in with her coy, yet impish glint in the eyes J

For those of you who watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's" this picture might just ignite your memories of Audrey Hepburn. (In fact that might just give you a hint of how I managed to get this painting right.)

To me, I call her my “Coy Mistress”. She does get my husband’s attention every time he passes her frame! Do I mind it? Not at all! In fact I just love smiling back at her!!!!


Unknown said...

Love the frame..Great work.. lot more to describe than what's mentioned!

Beststockstips12 said...

This is very nice post. Keep it up.
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