Friday, October 24, 2008

Wind energy- let's cut down on the smoke.

For this project of mine I thought of letting out a peek-a-boo on the work-in-progress. Just a bit on how I work my way through a photograph.

Speaking of photographs, I really enjoy converting photography into painting; after all, they both are two of the many ways of expressing art, right! And you couldn't get closer to a reality-freeze than a good 'click' on reality!
I can't wait to see how this one turns out... (to be contd..)

Well ...finally it's done!!!
Hmm, not that it's my favourite either, but let's just say it was child's play!!! :-)
As a morale boost, my better-half said we could frame it and put it up in the kids room.... (when we do have kids, that is)!!! Would give them something to think about, alternate sources of energy, in the future, I guess.
Or is that something we ought to do to give them a future???

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Winter sketch

My first attempt with Charcoal! Not that I can call it a great picture, but then, by now you would have seen the technocolour twins, so this shouldn't look too grey!!

To be honest, charcoal sketching is a lot more difficult that I thought!! It's a matter of using the right amount of pressure and creating a three 3-diamentional effect. And to think I believed it was a simple magic trick!!

Boulder by the sunset

When I clicked this painting (after finishing it of course) the light flashed off the canvas; which gives it it's heightened glow (eh)!

I picked this picture to give our living room wall some colour and depth. Why did I pick it? It was a random photographic picture I just happened to sight out of a booklet. I don't know how I landed on that booklet in the first place, but I was on a hunt to find a picutre to paint, and as I browsed through magazines I kept feeling like this picutre would be the best fit!

It does look easy on the outset, but it has a crazy blend of colours that can drive you nuts when you just don't get. At one point I had to tell myself, this is it, I just better stop or else I'm just going to keep on at it and never feel it's good enough (especially since that photographer had got the evening sky clicked so magically and frozen that moment for eternity). Well this was my best freeze!! But it does look lovely in my living room :-)

Married Lady

This was one of the first paintings I did after I/we got married.

Aah, fooled you; it's not an original. Well if I was that good, hmm, let me hold that thought.:-)

Anyways, as our first picture for me to paint my husband picked the idea from a magazine. It was a very light thumb nail pic in it, sort of in the background. Don't know how he caught it and thought it would work out this way. But it did! Well with light moderations, it coincidently turned out to be my 'married lady'!! She's a beauty, isn't she :-)

Let's start at the very begining; a very good place to start!

Those were the lines from the song 'Do re mi' from a long time ago musical movie (more a hindi movie-like hollywood movie) "The sound of music". One of my favourite movies from the good ol'days.

Well to begin my story, let's say I've read quite a few blogs and (that's not exactly too much) but I've been thinking of starting mine for some time now. So to give my creativity a spot of it's own, I've decided to include my blog to the modern day's wondrous world.

I'll try and do justice to anyone of you who by error land yourself in my blog or maybe get drawn into reading it because "I told you to"!